Banana and Maple Smoothie


Packed with much goodness that it makes a complete breakfast in a glass. Easy to whip up and makes it perfect for those busy work mornings.


You need –

  • Banana – 2 large, peeled and halved
  • Greek yogurt – 1/2 cup
  • Maple syrup – 3 tablespoon
  • Ice cubes – 5-6 nos


How to –

Everything into a blender; process till smooth and the ice cubes are crushed.
Serve chilled immediately.


18 thoughts on “Banana and Maple Smoothie

  1. I wake up thinking I have time for breakfast but nothing of that sort happens. Its all about shower and rushing through the traffic jam. Certainly I do agree that this smoothie is the best and healthy breakfast but I will keep the recipe for the weekends. Making the smoothie is quite simple but the time to wash up is another issue.

  2. I love these meals in cups. I make a similar one like this, Rekha, and it is usually my breakfast and what initiates for a day of healthy eating. Lovely pictures, too , my friend.

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